Glossary of Theological Terms
Alphabetical order
- accomodation
- active obedience of Christ
- adiaphora
- Adonai
- adoption
- adoptionism
- advent
- already/not yet
- amanuensis
- Ambrose of Milan
- Amyraldianism
- Amyraldism
- analogy of faith
- analogy of scripture
- annihilationism
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- anthropopathism
- antinomianism
- apocrypha (New Testament)
- apocrypha (Old Testament)
- Apollinarianism
- Apollinarius
- apologetics
- apophatic theology
- apostasy
- apostle
- Apostles’ Creed
- apostolic fathers
- Arianism
- Ark of the Covenant
- Arminianism
- ascension of Jesus
- aseity
- assurance
- Athanasian Creed
- Athanasius
- atheism
- atonement
- Augsburg Confession
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustinianism
- author of sin
- authority of scripture
- autographa
- autographs
- baptism of Jesus
- baptismal regeneration
- Basil of Caesarea
- beatific vision
- Beatitudes
- Belgic Confession
- being
- believer’s baptism
- benediction
- biblical hermeneutics
- Biblical Theology
- bibliolatry
- born again
- Bread of Life Discourse
- canon of scripture
- Canons of Dordt
- Cappadocian fathers
- Carmen Christi
- catechism
- cessationism
- Chalcedonian Definition
- Christ alone
- christology
- Christus Victor
- church discipline
- circumincession
- clarity of scripture
- classical apologetics
- codex
- coinherence
- Columba
- Comma Johanneum
- common grace
- communicable attributes
- communicatio idiomatum
- compatibilism
- complementarianism
- concupiscence
- concurrence
- consequent absolute necessity
- contextualization
- continuationism
- conversion
- corporate prayer
- cosmological argument
- covenant
- creation ex nihilo
- credobaptism
- crucifixion (of Christ)
- cultural mandate
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Day of Atonement
- deacon
- decree(s) of God
- decretive will
- definite atonement
- deism
- deity of Christ
- diaspora
- dispersion
- divinity of Christ
- docetism
- doctrines of grace
- double imputation
- doxology
- dynamic monarchianism
- economic Trinity
- effective call
- effectual call
- egalitarianism
- eisegesis
- elders
- election
- Elohim
- entire sanctification
- epistle
- eschatology
- essence
- essential Trinity
- eternal generation of the Son
- eternal relations of origin
- eternal security
- eternal sonship
- eternality
- eternity
- Eutychianism
- evangelism
- evidential apologetics
- evidentialism
- ex nihilo
- exclusivism
- exegesis
- exile, the
- Exodus, the
- external call
- extra calvinisticum
- faith alone
- fall (of man)
- farewell discourse
- federal headship
- filoque
- final judgment
- finite godism
- five points of Calvinism
- five solas
- free agency
- free knowledge (God’s)
- free will theism
- Flood, the
- fundamentalism
- genealogy
- general call
- general revelation
- glorification
- glory
- glory to God alone
- good works
- goodness (of God)
- Gospels
- gospel, the (the good news)
- gospel call
- governmental theory of the atonement
- grace
- grace alone
- Great Commission
- Gregory of Nanzianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory the Great
- heaven
- Heidelberg Catechism
- hell
- heresy
- high priestly prayer of Jesus
- Hilary of Poitiers
- historia salutis
- holiness
- Holy Spirit
- humanity of Christ
- hyper-Calvinism
- hypostatic union
- hypothetical universalism
- idolatry
- Ignatius of Antioch
- illumination
- image of God
- imago Dei
- immanence
- immanent Trinity
- immersion
- immutability
- impassibility
- impeccability
- imprecation
- imputation
- inability
- incarnation
- inclusio
- inclusivism
- incommunicable attributes
- independence
- inerrancy of scripture
- infallibility of scripture
- infinitude
- infinity
- infralapsarianism
- inscriptional curse
- inspiration of scripture
- intercession of Christ
- intermediate state
- internal call
- internal testimony of the Holy Spirit
- invisible church
- Irenaeus of Lyons
- irresistible grace
- Jerome
- Johannine Comma
- John Chrysostom
- John of Damascus
- justification
- Justin Martyr
- king (as an office of Christ)
- King James Onlyism
- kingdom of God
- KJV Onlyism
- last Adam
- last judgment
- legalism
- libertarian free will
- limited atonement
- literary genres of the Bible
- liturgy
- London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
- longer ending of Mark
- Lord’s Supper
- lordship salvation
- love (as an attribute of God)
- manuscripts
- Marcionism
- Maximus the Confessor
- materialism
- mediator
- mercy
- Messiah
- middle knowledge
- miracle
- mirror reading
- modalism
- modalistic monarchianism
- Molinism
- monergism
- Monica
- monophysitism
- monotheletism
- moral argument
- moral influence theory of the atonement
- moral will
- mortification
- mystery
- natural knowledge (God’s)
- Nestorianism
- Nestorius
- new birth
- New Testament apocrypha
- Nicene Creed
- noetic effects of sin
- nonlordship salvation
- norma normans non normata
- offices of Christ
- Old Testament apocrypha
- omnipotence
- omnipresence
- omniscience
- ontological argument
- ontological Trinity
- open theism
- open theology
- openness of God theology
- order of God’s decrees
- order of salvation
- ordinance
- ordinate power (of God)
- ordo salutis
- Origen
- original sin
- paedobaptism
- pactum salutis
- panentheism
- pantheism
- parousia
- particular redemption
- passive obedience of Christ
- Patrick
- Pelagianism
- Pelagius
- penal obedience of Christ
- penal substitution
- Pentateuch
- Pentecost
- perfectionism
- perichoresis
- Pericope Adulterae
- persecution
- person
- perseverance of the saints
- perspicuity of scripture
- pneumatology
- pluralism
- Polycarp of Smyrna
- polytheism
- prayer
- preaching
- preceptive obedience of Christ
- preceptive will
- presuppositional apologetics
- presuppositionalism
- prevenient grace
- priest (as an office of Christ)
- priesthood of all believers
- procession of the Holy Spirit
- progressive sanctification
- prophet (as an office of Christ)
- Prophetic Books
- Prophets (as books of the Old Testament)
- propitiation
- providence
- quickening
- ransom
- ransom to Satan theory of the atonement
- recapitulation theory of the atonement
- reconciliation
- redaction criticism
- redemption
- regeneration
- regulative principle of worship
- relativism
- religious persecution
- religious pluralism
- religious syncretism
- repentance
- reprobation
- resurrection of Jesus
- righteousness (of God)
- sacrament
- sacrifice
- saints
- Sabellianism
- Sabellius
- salvation
- sanctification
- Sandemanianism
- saving faith
- scripture alone
- second Adam
- Second Helvetic Confession
- secret will
- self-existence
- semi-Pelagianism
- semper reformanda
- sense of deity
- sensus divinitatus
- Sermon on the Mount
- simplicity of God
- simul justus et peccator
- sin
- skepticism
- sola fide
- sola gratia
- sola scriptura
- solus Christus
- soli Deo gloria
- soteriology
- source criticism
- sovereign will
- sovereignty (of God)
- special revelation
- spiration
- spiritual birth
- spiritual body
- spiritual gift
- substitutionary atonement
- sufficiency of scripture
- supralapsarianism
- synergism
- synoptic gospels
- synoptic problem
- Systematic Theology
- teleological argument
- temptation of Jesus
- testimonium spiritus sancti internum
- tetragrammaton
- text criticism
- theodicy
- theological triage
- theology proper
- third use of the law
- threefold division of the law
- threefold office(s) of Christ
- total depravity
- transcendence
- trancendental argument for the existence of God
- Transfiguration
- Trinity
- tripartate division of the law
- triumphal entry
- truthfulness
- Tertullian
- typology
- unconditional election
- union with Christ
- universal call
- universalism
- Venerable Bede, The
- veracity
- vicarious atonement
- virgin birth
- virginal conception
- visible church
- vocation
- warning passages (of Hebrews)
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Westminster Larger Catechism
- Westminster Shorter Catechism
- wisdom of God
- worldview
- worship
- wrath (of God)
- Yahweh
By Subject
- anthropology
- concupiscence
- cultural mandate
- fall (of man)
- federal headship
- free agency
- image of God
- imago Dei
- inability
- noetic effects of sin
- original sin
- sensus divinitatus
- sin
- total depravity
- vocation
- apologetics
- classical apologetics
- cosmological argument
- evidential apologetics
- evidentialism
- moral argument
- ontological argument
- presuppositional apologetics
- presuppositionalism
- teleological argument
- theodicy
- trancendental argument for the existence of God
- worldview
Christian History
- Ambrose of Milan
- Apollinarius
- apostolic fathers
- Athanasius
- Augustine of Hippo
- Basil of Caesarea
- Cappadocian fathers
- Columba
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Gregory of Nanzianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory the Great
- Hilary of Poitiers
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Irenaeus of Lyons
- Jerome
- John Chrysostom
- John of Damascus
- Justin Martyr
- Maximus the Confessor
- Monica
- Nestorius
- Origen
- Patrick
- Pelagius
- Polycarp of Smyrna
- Sabellius
- Tertullian
- Venerable Bede, The
Christian Life
Creeds and Confessions
- Apostles’ Creed
- Athanasian Creed
- Augsburg Confession
- Belgic Confession
- Canons of Dordt
- catechism
- Chalcedonian Definition
- filoque
- Heidelberg Catechism
- London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
- Nicene Creed
- Second Helvetic Confession
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Westminster Larger Catechism
- Westminster Shorter Catechism
Defective Theology
- adoptionism
- annihilationism
- antinomianism
- Apollinarianism
- Arianism
- Arminianism
- baptismal regeneration
- docetism
- dynamic monarchianism
- egalitarianism
- Eutychianism
- free will theism
- governmental theory of the atonement
- heresy
- hyper-Calvinism
- inclusivism
- King James Onlyism
- KJV Onlyism
- legalism
- Marcionism
- middle knowledge
- modalism
- modalistic monarchianism
- Molinism
- monophysitism
- monotheletism
- moral influence theory of the atonement
- Nestorianism
- nonlordship salvation
- open theism
- open theology
- openness of God theology
- panentheism
- Pelagianism
- perfectionism
- polytheism
- ransom to Satan theory of the atonement
- recapitulation theory of the atonement
- religious pluralism
- Sabellianism
- Sandemanianism
- Semi-Pelagianism
- theological triage
- universalism
- adiaphora
- apostle
- believer’s baptism
- benediction
- cessationism
- church discipline
- complementarianism
- continuationism
- contextualization
- corporate prayer
- covenant infant baptism
- credobaptism
- deacon
- doxology
- egalitarianism
- elders
- invisible church
- liturgy
- Lord’s Supper
- ordinance
- paedobaptism
- preaching
- priesthood of all believers
- regulative principle of worship
- sacrament
- saints
- spiritual gift
- visible church
- worship
God’s Nature and His Work
- accomodation
- Adonai
- anthropomorphism
- anthropopathism
- apophatic theology
- aseity
- common grace
- communicable attributes
- concurrence
- creation ex nihilo
- decree(s) of God
- decretive will
- Elohim
- eternality
- eternity
- free knowledge (God’s)
- general revelation
- glory
- goodness
- gospel, the
- grace
- hell
- historia salutis
- holiness
- idolatry
- immanence
- immutability
- impassibility
- incommunicable attributes
- independence
- infinitude
- infinity
- love (as an attribute of God)
- mercy
- miracle
- moral will
- natural knowledge (God’s)
- omnipotence
- omnipresence
- omniscience
- order of God’s decrees
- ordinate power (of God)
- pactum salutis
- preceptive will
- providence
- righteousness (as an attribute of God)
- secret will
- self-existence
- simplicity of God
- sovereign will
- sovereignty of God
- special revelation
- tabernacle
- tetragrammaton
- theodicy
- theology proper
- third use of the law
- threefold division of the law
- transcendence
- Trinity
- tripartate division of the law
- truthfulness
- veracity
- wisdom of God
- wrath (of God)
- Yahweh
- adoptionism
- annihilationism
- antinomianism
- Apollinarianism
- Arianism
- Arminianism
- atheism
- Augustinianism
- complementarianism
- deism
- docetism
- dynamic monarchianism
- egalitarianism
- Eutychianism
- evidentialism
- free will theism
- Fundamentalism
- hyper-Calvinism
- inclusivism
- King James Onlyism
- KJV Onlyism
- legalism
- modalism
- modalistic monarchianism
- Molinism
- monergism
- monophysitism
- Nestorianism
- nonlordship salvation
- open theism
- panentheism
- Pelagianism
- perfectionism
- polytheism
- presuppositionalism
- religious pluralism
- religious syncretism
- Sabellianism
- Sandemanianism
- Semi-Pelagianism
- supralapsarianism
- synergism
- universalism
Last Things
Old Testament
- Ark of the Covenant
- cultural mandate
- creation ex nihilo
- exile, the
- Exodus, the
- fall (of man)
- Flood, the
- Major Prophets
- Minor Prophets
- Pentateuch
- Prophetic BooksSave & Close
- Prophets (as books of the Old Testament)
- tabernacle
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
- assurance of salvation
- born again
- conversion
- effective call
- effectual call
- glorification
- Holy Spirit
- illumination
- inspiration of scripture
- internal call
- irresistible grace
- new birth
- quickening
- Pentecost
- perseverance of the saints
- pneumatology
- progressive sanctification
- procession of the Holy Spirit
- regeneration
- sanctification
- spiration
- spiritual birth
- union with Christ
Person, Work, and Teaching of Christ
- active obedience of Christ
- adoptionism
- advent
- Amyraldianism
- Apollinarianism
- Arianism
- ascension of Jesus
- atonement
- baptism of Jesus
- Beatitudes
- Bread of Life Discourse
- Carmen Christi
- Christ alone
- christology
- Christus Victor
- communicatio idiomatum
- consequent absolute necessity
- crucifixion (of Christ)
- definite atonement
- deity of Christ
- divinity of Christ
- docetism
- double imputation
- dynamic monarchianism
- eternal generation of the Son
- Eutychianism
- extra calvinisticum
- federal headship
- Great Commission
- Gospel (as a genre of NT literature)
- gospel, the (the good news)
- high priestly prayer of Jesus
- humanity of Christ
- hypostatic union
- impeccability
- incarnation
- intercession of Christ
- justification
- king (as an office of Christ)
- last Adam
- limited atonement
- Messiah
- monophysitism
- monotheletism
- Nestorianism
- offices of Christ
- particular redemption
- passive obedience of Christ
- penal obedience of Christ
- penal substitution
- preceptive obedience of Christ
- priest (as an office of Christ)
- prophet (as an office of Christ)
- propitiation
- ransom
- reconciliation
- redemption
- resurrecton of Jesus
- sacrifice
- second Adam
- Sermon on the Mount
- solus Christus
- substitutionary atonement
- temptation of Jesus
- threefold office(s) of Christ
- Transfiguration
- triumphal entry
- vicarious atonement
- virgin birth
- virginal conception
Reformed Theology
- active obedience of Christ
- Amyraldianism
- Amyraldism
- assurance
- Augustinianism
- author of sin
- authority of scripture
- Christ alone
- clarity of scripture
- compatibilism
- covenant
- definite atonement
- doctrines of grace
- double imputation
- effectual call
- election
- external call
- faith alone
- federal headship
- five points of Calvinism
- five solas
- glory to God alone
- gospel call
- grace alone
- inability
- infralapsarianism
- irresistible grace
- limited atonement
- monergism
- order of God’s decrees
- particular redemption
- penal substitution
- perseverance of the saints
- perspicuity of scripture
- preceptive obedience of Christ
- reprobation
- scripture alone
- semper reformanda
- simul justus et peccator
- sola fide
- sola gratia
- sola scriptura
- solus Christus
- soli Deo gloria
- sufficiency of scripture
- supralapsarianism
- total depravity
- unconditional election
- active obedience of Christ
- adoption
- apostasy
- assurance
- Augustinianism
- born again
- Christ alone
- conversion
- Day of Atonement
- definite atonement
- double imputation
- effective call
- effectual call
- election
- evangelism
- exclusivism
- external call
- faith alone
- federal headship
- glorification
- good works
- gospel, the
- gospel call
- grace
- grace alone
- heaven
- hell
- imputation
- inclusivism
- intercession of Christ
- intermediate state
- internal call
- irresistible grace
- justification
- limited atonement
- lordship salvation
- monergism
- mortification
- new birth
- offices of Christ
- ordo salutis
- order of salvation
- particular redemption
- passive obedience of Christ
- Pelagianism
- penal obedience of Christ
- penal substitution
- perseverance of the saints
- preceptive obedience of Christ
- prevenient grace
- progressive sanctification
- propitiation
- quickening
- ransom
- reconciliation
- redemption
- regeneration
- repentance
- reprobation
- resurrection of Jesus
- salvation
- sanctification
- saving faith
- Semi-Pelagianism
- sola fide
- sola gratia
- solus Christus
- soteriology
- spiritual birth
- spiritual body
- substitutionary atonement
- synergism
- threefold office(s) of Christ
- unconditional election
- union with Christ
- vicarious atonement
- warning passages (of Hebrews)
- amanuensis
- analogy of faith
- analogy of scripture
- anthropomorphism
- anthropopathism
- authority of scripture
- autographa
- autographs
- biblical hermeneutics
- bibliolatry
- canon of scripture
- clarity of scripture
- codex
- Comma Johanneum
- eisegesis
- epistle
- exegesis
- farewell discourse
- genealogy
- Gospels
- farewell discourse
- illumination
- inclusio
- inerrancy of scripture
- infallibility of scripture
- inscriptional curse
- inspiration of scripture
- internal testimony of the Holy Spirit
- literary genres of the Bible
- longer ending of Mark
- manuscripts
- mirror reading
- norma normans non normata
- New Testament apocrypha
- Old Testament apocrypha
- Pericope Adulterae
- Pentateuch
- Prophetic Books
- Prophets (as books of the Old Testament
- perspicuity of scripture
- redaction criticism
- scripture alone
- sola scriptura
- source criticism
- special revelation
- sufficiency of scripture
- synoptic gospels
- synoptic problem
- testimonium spiritus sancti internum
- text criticism
- typology
Theological Categories
- anthropology
- biblical theology
- christology
- eschatology
- pneumatology
- soteriology
- systematic theology
- theology proper
- adoptionism
- Arianism
- being
- circumincession
- coinherence
- deity of Christ
- divinity of Christ
- dynamic monarchianism
- economic Trinity
- essence
- essential Trinity
- eternal generation of the Son
- eternal relations of origin
- eternal sonship
- immanent Trinity
- modalism
- modalistic monarchianism
- ontological Trinity
- perichoresis
- person
- Sabellianism
- Trinity