Random Playlist Meme

Summers are short here, and once the snow goes, we have about 2 weeks to clean up the yard , fertilize it, till the garden, and plant the vegetables and flowers. I have a big yard and a big garden, so I’ve been a busy person. That means the blog has been neglected a bit and it may continue to be neglected for at little while.
But here’s a little meme I do have time for. I copied this from my friend Scott at Magic Statistics. Here are the instructions:
Get your ipod or media-player of choice, select your whole music collection, set the thing to shuffle (i.e., randomized playback), then post the first ten songs that come out. No cheating, no matter how stupid it makes you feel!
- A Song for You by Whiskeytown from Return of the Grievous Angel: Tribute to Gram Parsons
- Just One Time by Chet Atkins and Mark Knopfler from Neck and Neck
- Workin’ at the Car Wash Blues by Jim Croce from 50th Anniversary Collection
- Blue Skies by Willie Nelson from Stardust
- Morning Ride by Mark Knopler from Screenplaying
- Canon for 3 violins and basso continuo in D minor by the English Concert from The #1 Baroque Album
- Mama Told Me (Not to Come) by Three Dog Night from The Best of Three Dog Night.
- How Deep the Father’s Love by John McDermott from Great is Thy Faithfulness
- Myers: Cavatina by Norbert Kraft from Guitar Favorites
- Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac from Rumours

And now the two Kims:

Reader Comments (10)
How can I not join in the fun with this one?
You have good taste in music, even the Willie Nelson.
Rebecca, Cavatina is one of my favorites - !!
Do you have it played by Christopher Parkening?
I'd love to see your list, Kim! Please post it!
Do you have it played by Christopher Parkening?
No, I don't. Is that the best one, in your opinion? I'll have to look into that....
Oh, this one does look like fun!!
OK, I posted my list. Now I think I better post my favorite hymn and so, repair my reputation. . .
: D
I don't have music on our mp3 player. I just figured out how to use it recently, and have been downloading free podcasts. :-) Most recently David Allen, the personal productivity guru.
Rebecca! I didn't think anyone I knew (even via the Internet) would have ever heard of Return of the Grevious Angel by Gram Parsons! I loved that album. I got rid of it as I did all my albums, which I now regret.
Return of the Grievous Angel belongs to my son, but I like it, too. It's one of those not-so-well-known gems, I think.
I just figured out how to use it recently, and have been downloading free podcasts
I do podcasts, too, but I only keep a couple on at a time, and none popped up in the random shuffle.
Yeah, my copy of Parson's album didn't belong to me either, it belonged to my older brother, and I confiscated it, hehe.